Friday, November 26, 2004

The Heather Thing

Heather has been living with us full time for about a year and a half -- she's the daughter of one of Isabella's relatives. Heather is 18 and got into trouble with her boyfriend (his backseat -- I think you can figure out what they were doing) in May 2003.

I say that Heather is living with us, but really we're more like a storage unit in which she doesn't have to pay rent. I hardly ever see her. Between going to school, her job and her hanging out with friends in her spare time (including the reprobate boyfriend), Heather spends about twenty minutes here to take a shower and change clothes.

Anyway, this boyfriend of hers is a real gem. Remember, Heather is 18, and she was 16 when she came here after getting caught testing his equipment. Troy is 23. He was 21 then. Yes, he could have been nailed (pardon the expression) for statutory rape. But he got off (pardon the expression) through . . . well, I was going to say "charm" but that's like saying Jerry Lewis is an intellectual.

Troy didn't graduate from High School, usually doesn't have a job, lives with his parents and thinks he's the next Eminem. (I'm not kidding about that.) To say he is a "Loser" would be to give a losers a bad name.

Tonight, Troy and Heather got in a fight. For some reason, she tried to kick the windshield in on her own car, then Troy (who was driving) took off without her. He's such a silly girl. Someone passing by almost called the police. Why they didn't is beyond me, but it apparently fits in with everything else that happened.

What does Heather see in this boy (and I use the term loosely)? I have no idea, but they're both turning out to be candidates for the TV show Cops.

Did I forget to mention that Troy was arrested in January for cocaine? And that it was his second bust? Now do you believe that "Loser" is too cool for him?


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