Sunday, June 06, 2004


Several years ago -- and I'm talking back in the '80's -- I started to stink. Literally. My pits became rank by noon. I washed. I used anti-perspirant. Apparently to no effect.

I discovered that although I wouldn't exactly call it an allergy, anti-perspirants suddenly stopped working. I sweated, and I stank.

I vaguely recalled that my dad had the same problem and switched to strictly deodorant. So, I did that too, and the stinkiness went away. I still sweated, but I stunk no more.

Until a year ago. Then, I stank again.

Deodorants had no effect. I could wash and the smell was gone, but it would come back.

Why is this? I don't know. I am now back to unholy armpits. Woe is me.


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